[Ez] guild moved the spreadsheet on a new website. Check it out on builds.vabbi.eu/!
Hallo, in order to improve general WvW-quality [TT]/[Ez] provide several resources that may aid in that on builds.vabbi.eu!
In order to get people familiar with the T1-meta [TT]/[Ez] provide several resources. Check them out on builds.vabbi.eu!
Since i've been using ezbuilds, my life has improved greatly. I've found a job, bought a house and met my wife. builds.vabbi.eu!
Ez: The Good, the Bad and the Pugly: see us on builds.vabbi.eu!
A statement from Karen(41) how she turned away from her ranger and now ownes shit on hammer rev. builds.vabbi.eu!
Have you just bandwagoned to Vabbi to get carried? Contact support for refund, we don't need you. Transfer back and use good build: builds.vabbi.eu!
Don't trigger the toxic females, run a good build from builds.vabbi.eu!