- Keep in mind your main role is providing the bubble, most decisions you make revolve around that purpose.
- Staying alive is important, whenever it can be avoided to die after a bubble do everything in your capabilities to stay alive.
- The effect of a bubble is very visible, a good bubble will be praised, a bad bubble will be trashed. Have a positive attitude, if you provide a bad bubble, learn from it; if you see someone place a good bubble, learn from it; if you do provide a good bubble, think about why it was good and what you could've done better, i.e. learn from it.
- Use Full Counter after a bubble to proc the immobilize on people around u and do some good damage, preferably bubble in Hammer for the interrupt sigil procs and follow up with Hammer skills (if possible) to maximize CC, otherwise whirl out.
- Keep in mind you have a passive Stability proc as well, if u slot it, a on-demand utility for Stability.
- Depending on your party you can switch between Defiant Stance and Heal Signet, if you have the luxury of a good party you might not benefit from Heal Signet as much.
- A bubble isn't everything, in most fights you can also deal good damage, I'd recommend installing ARCDPS as a Spellbreaker as well, to judge if you are doing decently well DPS-wise.